All Categories Business Insurance Community & Corporate News Cyber Insurance Hospitality HR Corner Life Insurance Manufacturing Opinion Corner Personal Insurance Seasonal Reminders Travel Insurance Home Security Tips for Weekend Travel 5/23/2019 homeowners insurance local insurance agency central insurance companies 12 Tips to Keep Your Home Secure This Summer Memorial Day weekend has arrived, and if you’re like many others, you may be launching your 2019 summer season by planning a weekend getaway. Did you know that more homes are victims of burglary during the warmer summer months than in the winter? Unfortunately, no home is entirely safe from potential burglaries and other emergencies. To ensure you fully enjoy your trip away, consider these few quick tips now and in the future to protect your home and give yourself some peace of mind: Install a home security system. There’s a wide variety to choose from that will fit your home, and some even offer a live video feed to monitor your home from the palm of your hands. It’s a small investment but is greatly worth your piece of mind. A small discount may be available on your home insurance when you install a home security system. Do not leave any hidden or spare keys outside of your home. This will be the first thing potential thieves will look for. Consider giving a spare key to a neighbor or trusted friend instead. Mailboxes filled to the brim will indicate that you are away from home and make your house an easy target for burglars, so be sure to put a hold on your snail mail and newspaper before you leave if you don’t have a friend or neighbor to bring in the mail for you. If you plan on being away from home for more than a few days, hire lawn service or have a neighbor mow the grass. This will give off the impression that someone is home and will deter potential thieves. Do not leave your jewelry, electronics, or other valuables sitting in plain sight. Be sure to close any blinds and curtains, and hide valuable items in safes or any other inconspicuous places like old laundry detergent boxes, for example. Place a “Beware of Dog” and other home alarm signs in your yard before you leave (even if you do not have a dog or an alarm). This will deter any potential burglars from trying to break into your home. You can even buy home security stickers here to place in your windows and doors. Be sure to alert your close friends and neighbors that you will be away, so they can monitor the house for any suspicious behavior & report it when necessary. Disable your garage door. Tech-savvy thieves can easily work out your garage door code to gain access to your home. Consider contacting your local police department to request that an officer visit your home before you leave to evaluate its security and offer any improvements you could make. Keep a low profile on social media, and especially avoid posting any location check-ins. It’s fun to stay social, but you don’t want to advertise to anyone that you’re away. You should also double check to make sure that your home address is not posted anywhere online for anyone to find. Protect your home from a power surge by unplugging appliances that aren’t on timers. Not only will this protect your home, but save you money too! Although this is an obvious suggestion, you can easily forget to lock every window and door. Make sure to do a final walk-through before you leave to double check that your home is safe and secure. According to Safe at Last, there are roughly 2.5 million burglaries each year, with 66% of those being home break-ins. Be sure to take the proper precautions when you leave to ensure your home doesn’t become part of this statistic. Not sure if you are covered properly in case of an emergency? Contact our team today at 217-528-7533 or e-mail to review your homeowner’s policy. Sources & More Info: Safe at Last ADT This article was written by: Allison Lovdahl ALLISON LOVDAHL IS A MARKETING INTERN AT TROXELL INSURANCE AND A RECENT PUBLIC RELATIONS GRADUATE OF MONMOUTH COLLEGE. ASIDE FROM WORK, ALLISON ENJOYS PLAYING MUSIC IN HER BAND AT A VARIETY OF LOCAL VENUES. This information is advisory only. The author assumes no responsibility for management or control of loss control activities. Not all exposures are identified in this article. Contact your local TROXELL insurance agent for coverage advice and policy service. Neither TROXELL nor its affiliates or representatives offer legal advice. Consult with your attorney about your specific situation. More Posts Comments Name * Email Email address will not be publicly visible * * Comment * No comments have been posted.