Do you support an extra charge for servers' health insurance?


Should Restaurants Add a Surcharge to Cover Health Insurance?

TROXELL agent, Rosanne Boik, who specializes in restaurant insurance in and around the Chicago area, recently was quoted in the Chicago Tribune's article about new surcharges being added to restaurant bills to help cover server's health insurance and increase the wages of kitchen staff.

Restaurant Surcharge for Health insurance Costs

According to the article, those who support this addition to the check believe that restaurants need to take this step in order to remain competitive and maintain a stable workforce.  

Some restaurants have already been successful with this method, and others hope it becomes a new trend. Restaurants are adding a separate line item to customer's checks to help fund these benefits. 

Group health insurance plans are not just for large businesses (50+ employees). Small businesses (with 0-50 employees) can find affordable plans with good coverage that are often times better than an individual plan on the marketplace. Local agencies, like TROXELL, can help you find health insurance options for your business or restaurant (no matter the size).   

Check out the article here to learn more!

We want to hear your opinion: 

Do you think restaurants should implement a surcharge to help increase staff wages and pay for health insurance coverage?  Please comment below!


Sharon R
No, because that is not going to help me with my insurance. My employer will be out of business and about 100 employee will be out of work within 3 years, not to mention the the residents in the long-term care facility who will be displaced. Central Illinoi gas already seen the closer of several LTC facilities. What makes my situation worst is my student loans do not acknowledge the health insurance cost for any adjustments on my repayment plan. That being said my insurance just for me for a silver plan would be about $550 or more per month, and student loans want 700+ per month, out of the almost 800, I bring home every 2 weeks. I pay the mortgage, utilities, auto insurance, groceries etc with what is left. It doest go far...
I'm not sure how I feel about this. While I appreciate the effort to try to support employees, it should be up to the patron on any extra money that they want to add to the bill. I hope this will be optional in all cases.